
Jak odzyskać usunięte pliki z Androida

Autor: Nathan E. Malpass, Ostatnia aktualizacja: 12 lutego 2020 r

"Jak odzyskaj usunięte pliki z telefonu z systemem Android?" Many people search on Google for an answer. But sometimes these methods are too confusing. You need an easier one.

Do you know how to recover deleted files from Android? In the world of smartphones, the Android operating system is widely used. Well-known brands like Samsung, Oppo, Huawei, Asus, and many other smartphone brands use Android for their operating system, except for Apple brand that has its own operating system.

Actually, it is extremely simple for you to learn about how to retrieve deleted files from Android. Let's start!

Part 1. Why Can We Recover Deleted Files from AndroidPart 2. How to Recover Deleted Files on Android without ComputerPart 3. FOUR Steps of How to Recover Deleted Files from Android DevicesPart 4. Video Guide: How to Recover Deleted Files from Android Mobile in 5 MinutesCzęść 5. Wniosek

Part 1. Why Can We Recover Deleted Files from Android

And now, you were frustrated to provide a solution to this problem. Good thing you are reading this article as we will guide you a tutorial on how to recover your deleted files from your Android device. Tak, it is possible to recover it with our technology today.

There are recovery programs that can be found on the internet that can retrieve lost photos and it can be used to your Android mobile device. However, not all of these programs would work effectively and efficiently like Android Files Recovery from FoneDog, A software that can help you recover deleted files from Android.

However, you can also avail their 15-Day free trial. This software will scan your device for the lost data. When you delete something on your device.

It may appear deleted but it is still encrypted in your internal storage. And you will find it is so easy to recover deleted files on Android. However, you need to stop using your device immediately to avoid overwriting the old data.
Why Can We Recover Deleted Files from Android

Part 2. How to Recover Deleted Files on Android without Computer

Before we start the file recovery from Android, a friendly reminder is that it is advisable to frequently back up your photos or files. Why? That's because, in this way, you have scratched the way of how to recover deleted files from Android without computer.

You can use your Google Account; your phone will automatically synchronize your photos to your account when WIFI is available or having a habit of transferring your photos to your Personal Computer.

Taking using Google Account to get your deleted data back as an example, here are the steps of how to recover deleted files on Android without computer:

  1. Run Google app on your Android phone and sign in your Google account.
  2. Kliknij Ustawienia.
  3. As you see Personal, choose the option Backup & Restore.
  4. Finally, click Automatic Restore and recover deleted files from Android.

Part 3. FOUR Steps of How to Recover Deleted Files from Android Devices

All you have to do is follow these four simple steps and you can retrieve your deleted files in no time.

Guide on recovering deleted messages: https://www.fonedog.com/android-data-recovery/5-steps-recover-deleted-text-messages-android.html

Step 1: Free Download FoneDog Toolkit – Android File Recovery

Go FoneDog official website and download the software. It is advisable to download the latest version of the software so that it can work properly.

Once you completed the download process, you can now install the program on your computer. It will take a couple of minutes.

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Free Download FoneDog Toolkit – Android File Recovery

Step 2: Activate the USB Debugging Software in Your Android Mobile Device

Inactivating the USB Debugging software, you have to make sure that your device is detected by your computer.

Możesz włączyć tryb debugowania USB, przechodząc do urządzenia ustawienia > O telefonie > Deweloper Option then turn on the USB Debugging.

Here is a guide about Jak włączyć debugowanie USB na Androidzie . This is the thing you need to do before recovering deleted files from Android.

Allow Usb Debugging to Scan Deleted Files on Android Internal Memory

Step 3: Scan the Deleted or Lost Files on Your Android Mobile Device

Once the program detects your device, you can select the type of data that you want to recover.

Now you need to click "Next" button to initiate the procedure. After that, click "dopuszczać" that can be seen on your computer screen.

After that, you can continue the process by clicking "PoczątekPrzycisk ".

Uwagi: Bateria urządzenia powinna wynosić> 20%, ponieważ skanowanie może chwilę potrwać.

Choose File Type That You Want to Retrieve from Android

Step 4: Preview all the Files and Recover Deleted Files from Android

FoneDog Toolkit – Android Data Recovery is such a program, with the help of which you will be able to recover your lost files.

Once the scan process is completed, you can preview all the files shown in this program. The files that are scanned are filed by categories for the convenience of the client.

With the categorized group, you can easily check the folder that you want to recover.

Na koniec kliknij „wyzdrowieć" and assign which folder in your computer you will be saving the recovered files.

Recover Deleted Files from Android to Whatsapp To PC

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And there you have it, simple and doable steps on how to recover your deleted files on Android. Now you do not have to worry when you accidentally delete them again, you just have to check this article again. Don't forget to rate FoneDog Toolkit - Odzyskiwanie danych Androida on the website or even make a review on how satisfied are you with the software.

Or, you can also set up awareness of backing up your data at times. Therefore, you can directly recover your mistakenly deleted data from your previous backups.

Part 4. Video Guide: How to Recover Deleted Files from Android Mobile in 5 Minutes

In this video, you can learn how to recover deleted files in android mobile with few simple steps. Why don't you click on this video and watch?

In just four (4) easy steps, you can retrieve your deleted contacts and all your questions will be answered. All you have to do is find a good recovery software and FoneDog toolkit – Android Data Recovery Software is the best choice for that. The entire process of recovering your lost data in your Android device is so simple and easy that anyone can do it even they are beginners.

In these days, losing data from your Android phone is not a big problem because you can easily recover it with the help of Zestaw narzędzi FoneDog - Android Data Recovery. It is always advised to test the program and never miss a single chance to retrieve the deleted files.

FoneDog toolkit is the first developed software to recover over 500 different types of files and is compatible with over 6000 different Android mobile devices. This works for all well-known brands who are using Android as their Operating Systems, which also an Android recover deleted files recovery for you.

The program received a 5-star rating from its Android mobile user clients for having a simple and doable procedure of recovering lost data. You can download the software from its official website.

Kliknij na Bezpłatny przycisk pobierania for a try to restore deleted files on Android mobile phone.

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Część 5. Wniosek

Having an Android smartphone is easy and user-friendly, you can share files with other smartphone brands without any hassle by using Bluetooth, and unlike an iPhone, you can only share your files if you sync your files with your iTunes.

But how about, when you accidentally deleted your files? Well, that's a big problem. It's like when you accidentally clicked "delete all" instead of deleting one file, or worse, you clicked "yes" in Factory data reset.

And all your files, photos, videos, music, and even your important contacts details and messages are gone. As you see, recover deleted files from Android is so important. Accidentally deleting your files could be troublesome, especially when you do not have any backup copies of it.

All those important documents and files, some could be related to school like for example your thesis or a PowerPoint presentation that you have to present today or it could be related to work, important documents that you have to email to your boss, now that could be a huge problem or even important files that are related your business.

Therefore, it is high time for you to master the 4 steps mentioned above of how to recover deleted documents from Android. Hope the post would be helpful for you.

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obraz recenzenta

Soderberg2019-11-12 23:35:25

could i recover my deleted sms from android internal memory in this way?

obraz recenzenta

FoneDog2019-11-13 13:38:31

Hi, you could use FoneDog Android Data Recovery and follow the steps above to recover your deleted SMS.

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Soderberg2019-11-13 16:04:51

thx. but one more question, should i root my phone?

obraz recenzenta

FoneDog2019-11-14 09:27:17

Hi, there are two scan options: Quick Scan and Deep Scan. If you want to recover deleted SMS without root Android phone, please choose Quick Scan.

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Nathan E. Malpass

Ekspert ds. konserwacji urządzeń iPhone / Android

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Wiele osób poprosiło mnie o naprawę swoich telefonów komórkowych, więc mam duże doświadczenie w naprawie telefonów komórkowych i wiem dużo o telefonach z Androidem lub Apple.

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Odzyskaj usunięte pliki z telefonu lub tabletu z Androidem.

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Android Data Recovery

Odzyskaj usunięte pliki z telefonu lub tabletu z Androidem.

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